• August 19, 2020
  • Courses,Mini Golf,
  • Geoff Bennell

Whether it’s their first date with a new partner (and they want to see what they’re made of), or they want to show their mate they are capable of planning a fun night out, the mini golf course is the perfect setting for date-night. Mini golf is interactive, encourages playful banter, and is everything a couple needs to have a blast. It’s even a great Valentine’s date idea.

Have you ever thought of opening a Mini Golf Course as a business idea? Using it to hold date nights and singles tournaments is a great way to make money.

Why is mini-golf the perfect activity for date night?

Is Mini Golf Interactive and Intimate?

The traditional ‘dinner and a movie’ date is not for every couple. Especially on first dates, many people find it hard to relax when awkwardly seated on opposite sides of a table, while trying to think of something interesting to say. On the other hand, movies leave little room for any conversation at all and just leave you craving for more fun and interaction at the end of the night.

Mini-golf is the perfect alternative since it encourages natural conversation and physical activity, and grants you a chance to escape from any long and awkward silences by using the game as an ice-breaker or a distraction.


How Does Mini Golf Bring Out Your Inner Child?

An interactive activity such as mini golf is perfect for new couples to get to know each other in a relaxed and easygoing environment. It gives you a chance to see how a little friendly competition will react with your chemistry as a couple. Playing putt-putt will give you a chance to bring out your inner child and just be yourself on a date.

Couples who have been together for longer can frequent a mini-golf course to reignite the playful spark in their relationship. You can look silly and let down your guard, which will help you become comfortable with your date much faster.


Is Mini Golf Really Perfect for Everyone?

Mini golf is tricky and requires some level of skill, and yet, it is perfect for every age, gender, and height. One does not need to be exceptionally athletic to win a game of mini golf, but it is not an easy challenge either. It is a levelled playing field where no one is at a disadvantage, and so everyone can have fun showing off their skills. It is the perfect activity for people who do not like sports very much, but still like to have fun outdoors.


Is Mini Golf Great Value for Money?

Mini golf makes for funny moments, great conversation, and a chance to play an interactive game outdoors. To top it all off, it will not cost an arm and a leg to take your partner out for a night of fun-filled play at a mini-golf course. For just a few dollars, you can have a wonderful time with your partner, and learn more than just a thing or two about their personality. You can make the game more interesting by placing bets on different holes or playing mini-golf truth or dare.


The Perfect Date with Mini Golf

What if You Had Your Own Mini Golf Course?

There are so many benefits to running a mini golf course:

  • Broad Appeal – Mini golf attracts people of all ages, from kids to seniors, making it a versatile entertainment option.
  • Low Overheads – Once built, mini golf courses have relatively low maintenance costs compared to other recreational businesses.
  • High Profit Margins – With minimal upkeep and operational costs, mini golf offers excellent return on investment.
  • Flexible Business Model – Operate as a standalone business or add it to an existing venue like a hotel or sports club.
  • Year-Round Potential – Indoor and outdoor course options allow for operation in all seasons.
  • Ideal for Events – Birthdays, corporate outings, and parties provide steady revenue streams.
  • Minimal Staffing Required – A mini golf course can run efficiently with a small team, reducing labour costs.
  • Great Marketing Tool – A well-designed course can boost foot traffic and brand visibility for existing businesses.
  • Community Engagement – Encourages social interaction and family-friendly activities within the local area.
  • Scalable and Customisable – Courses can be expanded, upgraded, or themed to keep customers returning.

Mini Golf Creations designs beautiful mini-golf courses that will exceed your expectations. You can explore our designs and processes as well as contact us at 61 7 3823 2009 to find out more about the mini-golf construction cost.